Creating User Spreadsheet Reports

Any Spreadsheet report can be copied, then modified and customized to meet your specific business requirements. To create a User Spreadsheet report:

  1. Click the Report Generation step for your RPT. The Report Generation wizard will open.
  2. Click Next to begin.
  3. Check only the Spreadsheet checkbox to display only the Spreadsheet reports.
  4. Select the Report that you want to modify and click the Duplicate button.

    Spreadsheet Reports

    Spreadsheet Reports
  5. The Report Source field will display the name of the report that you are copying. In the Report Name field, enter a new, unique name for your User Spreadsheet report. Optionally, enter a Description of the new report.

    Spreadsheet Reports

    New Report Information

    Then click the OK button.

  6. The report template will open in Microsoft Excel. Follow the below guidelines and examples for modifying the report template:
  7. When you are finished modifying the template, save and close the template file.

Your new User Spreadsheet can now be executed in the same was as the Spreadsheet Reports except you will find them in the User Spreadsheet category.